Mountains Overview


Mountain Ranges

The mountain ranges in Hokkaido can be divided in 5 groups as seen in the below GoogleMap.
  1.  Daisetsu-zan: the middle of Hokkaido, the largest one, called”the roof of Hokkaido”.  Mt.Asahi-dake, the highest is in. Many optional routes,  accessible, 4-7 days long traverse can be planned. In summer many hikers visit.
  2. Shiretoko: the east end, registered as a world heritage. Summer season is short.
  3. Hidaka: the south of Daisetsu-zan, An ancient days’ wilderness remains. The access is limited, few escape route. Basically climb along the stream approaching the ridge.
  4. Mashike: the west,  accessible, Great view from Mt.Shokanbetsu-dake, the main peak. The mysterious high wetland “Uryu-numa” on the way.
  5. Suburb of Sapporo: Mt.Soranuma-dake traversing Mr.Sapporo-dake. Mt.Eniwa-dake, Mt.tarumae-san and Mt.fuppushi-dake surrounding Lake Shikotsu-ko, a crater of 40 thousand years ago, very accessible.

GoogleMap_Mountains In Hokkaido for hiking


The 50 mountains pointed in the above GoogleMap are listed below, which are all illustrated in Yamakei’s book(See Mountains Guide), and 10 of them in Lonely Planet.

If you want to know more in the internet, using the below Japanese as the keyword you can search them in

Also check Mountains Guide.
Mountain Height Outline Distance Difficulty we rated Lonely Planet
English Japanese (m) (km) (4: Max)
Rishiri-zan 利尻山 1718.7 Rising high peak on Rishiri Island. 12.5 3 Y
Rebun-dake 礼文岳 490 Trails traveling Rebun Island. 8.5 1 Y
Teshio-dake 天塩岳 1557.6 Along the origin of the 4th longest river. 13 2
Piyashiri-yama ピヤシリ山 987.1 Quiet sanctuary in the north. 7 1
Meakan-dake 雌阿寒岳 1499 Good walk from forests to a volcano. 7.5 1 Y
Oakan-dake 雄阿寒岳 1370.4 Dynamic one approaching from the lake. 11.5 2 Y
Kamuinupuri カムイヌプリ 857 Great view of Lake Mashu when fine. 14.5 2
Nishibetsu-dake 西別岳 799.5 East Hokkaido in sight, also connected with Kamuinupuri. 6.5 1
Shari-dake 斜里岳 1535.8 Isolated summit of Shiretoko, adventurous one. 8.5 2 Y
Rausu-dake 羅臼岳 1659.7 The shape is like a fort of Shiretoko, never think it easy. 17.5 3 Y
Iou-zan (traverse) 硫黄山 1562 Mid of Shiretoko, so tough to hike. 23 3 Y
Musa-dake 武佐岳 1005.2 Can experience the great nature in family 9 1
Niseikausyuppe-yama ニセイカウシュッペ山 1879.1 Trip to the deep inside of Hokkaido, great view of Daisetsu-zan. 11.5 2
Muka-yama 武華山 1759 You may discover something magical. 6.5 1
Asahi-dake/Kuro-dake 旭岳/黒岳 2290.9/1984.3 1day traverse appling ropeway at S/G, including the real summit. 12 2 Y
Kaun-dake 化雲岳 1954.4 Main artery of Daisetsu/ many hikers dream of 39.5 3 Y
Aka-dake/Hakuun-dake 赤岳/白雲岳 2078.5/2230 1day but very luxuary trip to Daisetsu-zan. 13 1 Y
Midori-dake 緑岳 2019.9 Short but steep climbing for beautiful highland. 8.5 2 Y
Tomuraushi-yama トムラウシ山 2141.2 2 days traverse through wetlands in high. 32 3 Y
Tokachi-dake/Biei-dake 十勝岳/美瑛岳 2077/2052.2 Circuit around the volcanos, the back bone of Hokkaido, check the latest information. 16 2 Y
Kamihorokamettoku-yama/Furano-dake 上ホロカメットク山/富良野岳 1920/1911.9 The contrast of green and rocks, never forgettable. 13 2 Y
Nipesotsu-yama 二ペソツ山 2012.9 Gaining 1.6km hight while 16km walk a day. Worth to challenge after preparing well. 16 3
Upepesanke-yama ウペペサンケ山 1848 Climbing for a great panoramic ridges. 12.5 2
Ishikari-dake/Otofuke-yama 石狩岳/音更山 1967/1932 Very challenging in deep Daisestu-zan, camping on the ridge. 18 3
Hakuun-zan 白雲山 1186 Good access for the flora and fauna untouchable. 5 1
Higashi-nupukaushinupuri 東ヌプカウシヌプリ 1252 Short hike, but can occupy the “truly Hokkaido like” scenery. 2.5 1
Memuro-dake 芽室岳 1753.8 Northernmost in Hidaka, good to learn Hidaka range. 9 1
Poroshiri-dake/Tottabestu-dake 幌尻岳/戸蔦別岳 2052.8/1959 Stream climbing towards the highest in Hidaka, 2 nights in the hut. 31 3 Y
Kamuiekuuchikaushi-yama カムイエクウチカウシ山 1979.5 Extreme stream climbing into deepest Hidaka, experienced party only. 31.5 4
Kamui-dake 神威岳 1600.2 First in stream then on steep slope, finally on knife edge, they all in a day. 11.5 2
Rakko-dake 楽古岳 1471.5 Stream and steep ridge is common in Hidaka, but compact a bit there and the hut is good. 9 2
Apoi-dake アポイ岳 810.2 Southernmost in Hidaka near the cape, so unique flora and fauna, must see. 9.5 1
Ashibetsu-dake 芦別岳 1726.1 Isolated great rock peak and tough to do, loved by many. 14.5 2 Y
Yubari-dake 夕張岳 1667.7 2 days including pre-stay in the hut. many visit for its unique flora. 15 2 Y
Kamuishiri-yama 神居尻山 946.7 Climbing 900m up gives a great panorama of Mashike mountains 11 1
Syokanbetsu-dake 暑寒別岳 1491.6 To the highest in Mashike from the north. also from the east through the unique high wetland Uryunuma. 15 2
Kogane-yama 黄金山 739.1 Southernmost in Mashike, loved as its mysterious shape and flowers. 4.5 2
Shioyamaru-yama 塩谷丸山 629.2 Familiar with Otaru people. Season opened early to late, wide view over Shakotan peninsula. 6 1
Sapporo-dake 札幌岳 1293 Wonderful nature and scenery near the largest city. Hot spa at the base. 11 2 Y
Soranuma-dake 空沼岳 1250.8 Must visit its ancient woods and high lakes. Path to Sapporo-dake for traverse. 15.5 2 Y
Eniwa-dake 恵庭岳 1320 Volcano standing by Lake Shikotsu. Prominent sharp summit can be seen from Chitose. 6.5 2 Y
Tarumae-san/Fuppushi-dake 樽前山/風不死岳 1041/1102.4 Two volcanos active and discontinued, the one without flora and the other greened, memorable. 10.5 2
Muroran-dake(Washibetsu-dake) 室蘭岳(鷲別岳) 911.1 Facing the pacific ocean, calm so can enjoy in family. 6.5 1
Yotei-zan 羊蹄山 1892.7 Icon of Niseko due to its Fuji like shape, climbing just to go up. 13.5 2 Y
Iwaonupuri イワオヌプリ 1116 Neighboring on Niseko ski area (Annupuri), wild as young volcano. 4.5 1
Chisenupuri チセヌプリ 1134.2 Known as its high wetland, a fantasy in fog. 8.5 1 Y
Kuromatsunai-dake 黒松内岳 740 Japanese beeches in the Northernmost, rich woods full of charm. 5 1
Yurappu-dake 遊楽部岳 1275.5 Southern mountain differs from others. Climb 1.6km to gain 1.3km height. 18 2
Kariba-yama 狩場山 1520 Getting deep inside of a beautiful valley of Garo, camping area near. 8 1
Daisengen-dake 大千軒岳 1071.9 Through beautiful beeches to wide ridge. Honsyu, the main land, can be seen over the canal Tsugaru. 9 1


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